Just because Comcare has sent you a debt letter claiming for an overpayment does not necessarily mean you have been…
Elringtons is the only South East NSW personal injury law firm specialising in health and medical law, particularly medical negligence…
Are you a volunteer or an organisation that employs volunteers? Are you and/or your volunteers covered by adequate insurance? Have…
An ABC News article on 15 March 2018 highlighted that employers, across a broad range of areas, are advertising specifically…
The NSW workers compensation scheme is complex. However, there is a legal aid type scheme to help injured workers in…
According to new research from the Grattan Institute, almost 11% of all people hospitalised have a complication while in hospital.…
It should be standard practice for all business, big or small, to have policies in place that deal with workplace…
Commonwealth and ACT public servants are covered under the Comcare system for workplace injuries.
It is well known that employment is an important factor for individual welfare and economic security. However, it is also…
The Aged Care Act gives nursing home residents 21 statutory rights. We discuss these on our Nursing Home Abuse home page.