
elringtons health law update – adverse effects from Implanon and Mirena

Image of woman in pain representing adverse effects from Implanon and Mirena

The ABC report detailed that Australian women have experienced chronic pain, pelvic inflammatory disease, scarring, unintended pregnancies and depression following insertion of these devices.

The report is the latest to put a spotlight on a medical device for women that has been found to cause serious side effects. Another well-known example is the pelvic mesh device. Another, perhaps lesser known, is the Essure device. Earlier in 2017 elringtons lawyers wrote about the side effects that some women experienced after insertion of the Essure permanent contraception implant device (see elringtons health law update – hazard alert for Essure contraception implant device).

It goes without saying, if you think you have experienced a side effect from an Implanon or Mirena advice, you should seek medical help immediately. For those who have experienced additional costs as a result of a side effect such payment for extra treatment, time off work or even pain and suffering, compensation may be available. A medical negligence claim can help put you back to where you would have been without the side effect (as much as money can).

We have put together a range of articles to help health consumers understand their rights and remedies following negligent treatment. We hope the Further Reading section below helps you understand more about your rights:

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