The existence of domestic violence in relationships is sadly widely spread in today’s society. The perpetrators and the victims of domestic violence cannot be narrowed to one single social class or to their level of education or their wealth, it can affect people of all ages, gender, cultures and ethnicity.
The existence of domestic violence in relationships is sadly widely spread in today’s society. The perpetrators and the victims of domestic violence cannot be narrowed to one single social class or to their level of education or their wealth, it can affect people of all ages, gender, cultures and ethnicity. Frequently, marriages and de facto relationships end as a result of domestic violence. In such cases, it is necessary to act quickly to protect the victims of violence which predominantly are women and children. Each State and Territory in Australia has legislation addressing domestic violence designed to provide a fast and efficient method to obtain immediate and urgent protection from the violent party.
What Is Domestic Violence?
AIHW Report: Family, domestic and sexual violence in Australia, 2018
The term “family violence” and “domestic violence” is defined differently in the ACT and NSW. Normally, the term is defined broadly, beyond simply physical violence on a person. In the ACT, the relevant legislation is named the Family Violence Act, 2016 which defines “family violence” as the following behaviour by a person in relation to a family member:
- physical violence or abuse;
- sexual violence or abuse;
- emotional or psychological abuse;
- economic abuse;
- threatening behaviour;
- coercion or any other behaviour that—
- controls or dominates the family member; and
- causes the family member to feel fear for the safety or wellbeing of the family member or another person; or
- behaviour that causes a child to hear, witness or otherwise be exposed to behaviour mentioned above, or the effects of the behaviour;
- sexually coercive behaviour;
- damaging property;
- harming an animal;
- stalking;
- deprivation of liberty.
What Can a Victim of Domestic Violence Do?
If you are in immediate danger please call 000.
There are numerous other services available for victims of domestic violence such as:
ACT Domestic Violence Crisis Service Ph: (02) 6280 0900 (24 hours)
NSW Domestic Violence Line 1800 656 463
Canberra Rape Crisis Centre Ph: (02) 6247 2525
Victim Support ACT Ph: 1800 822 272 (24 hours)
Victims of Crime Assistance League (VOCAL) Ph: (02) 6295 9600
Lifeline Ph: 131 114 (24 hrs)
White Ribbon Australia
Kids Helpline Ph: 1800 551 800 (24 hrs)
Family Violence Orders and Apprehended Violence Orders
In the Australian Capital Territory and in New South Wales there is legislation in existence which allows parties to obtain orders to protect them from the violent member of the family: in the Australia Capital Territory these are known as “family violence orders” (FVOs), and in New South Wales as apprehended violence orders (AVOs).
Urgent Family Violence Orders
A victim of family violence may obtain urgent Family Violence Orders in NSW and the ACT by applying directly to the Court, even after hours including weekends. Police officers may also bring an application on behalf of a victim.
The system is designed to be simple, quick and inexpensive. This applies in the ACT Courts and the NSW Courts. An application once lodged goes before the Court within a short time the same day in the absence of the perpetrator or alleged perpetrator of violence. If the Court considers that it is appropriate, interim Family Violence orders will be made and subsequently served on the perpetrator. The matter is normally listed for further mention afterwards to afford the other party the opportunity to put his/her side of the story and, to defend the matter in a final hearing.
If you have a family or domestic violence matter or just have some general enquires we can be contacted on 02 6206 1300. We are always ready to discuss this important but serious subject matter with you.
Further reading

elringtons lawyers regularly provide legal advice in relation to a range of family law matters. Please contact our Family Law Team for more information or to make an appointment call (02) 6206 1300