Insights by
Advice from government and health experts is that the most important thing that we can do for you and for…
We are receiving many inquiries from parents and carers about compliance with parenting orders in light of the current unprecedented…
Residents of the ACT have been experiencing many changes to their daily lives as the government takes steps to attempt…
In the aftermath of the many recent catastrophic weather events that have impacted the ACT and NSW, insurers have experienced…
In a time of increasing uncertainty, Australian Courts are currently changing the way they are dealing with the matters before…
At Elringtons Lawyers, our highest priority is the health and wellbeing of our staff, our clients and our communities.
At the behest of the Australian Federal Government, the Joint Select Committee on Australia’s Family Law System was appointed by…
If you are fearful for your physical or psychological safety you may apply for urgent, interim, protection orders, even on…
The purpose of urgent and after hours family violence orders is to ensure the immediate safety of the Applicant. If…
How the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) recognises grandparents and the importance of a meaningful relationship with grandchildren.